Word from Minister Fawn

Religion is made of Law, but Spirit is made of Grace.

Word from Spiritual Coach Erika Fawn 12-24

It's amazing some people still truly believe Christmas is Yeshua's birthday.  Study the Bible and it literally explains the time of year 100% could not be December 25th.  But, hey it sure does make a lot of money during that time.  Our Savior was probably born during Spring, and wouldn't that be more appropriate that the Good is coming to be born in Spring.  Then the message they made of it with a Santa Claus to assure gifts are bought.  Our Saviors main message was forgiveness, battle of evil spirits, and salvation.  Where does a Santa Claus exist?  This is the time of history for Truth to be revealed and accepted throughout the world and in our hearts and minds .

We must first learn to feed our spiritual appetites the same way we feed our physical appetite.  When we over fill our physical beings we become tired and lethargic.  However, when we over fill our spiritual beings we become energetic, peaceful, and oneness.  I can not stress enough this is the coming of the Year of the Lord, and we need many to be obedient tomorrow.  Tomorrow, be with your family yes, and be in praise of Yeshua.  But this is not needed the gifts.  It's as though Satan is slapping the Lord in the face and many have never noticed.  Some have like priest and preachers and they still chose to make money off the "event".  Yahweh is not about any earthly gift besides us and our gestures.  I know that I am no one to you, but I beg you praise him gloriously with out gifts, but the ones He naturally gave us.  Remember through sound frequency Yahweh calms us and gifts us magical gifts.  We have the power to do majestic things once we know how to connect with nature and our surroundings.



Faith over Religion


We need to get past religion and go straight to the Spiritual way of Life.  Because of Graces' perfect plan and Heaven's perfection in its entirety we most open our eyes.  God alone controls our destiny, and what's within the days of our life.  We've been taught to focus so much on the physical, we as a whole, have literally lost seeking the Grace in our daily lives.  The truth is our Savior spoke He came to destroy both the religious and governmental systems.  Why? Because of the ways evil has corrupted them.  We have gotten away from seeking to praise God over the smallest of blessings.  Heaven is a perfect place.  The same way some strive to do extracurricular activities to get into a prestigious University. Heaven is the highest we as mankind can strive to be.  Every day is a new beginning to die to our former ways the day before.   It's not about showing up to a building 3x a week, and making an appearance.  But, then have poor character to everyone else when you're not being "watched".  This life is about a daily lifestyle.  We have forgotten to prepare for the most important day of all, the day we move into the spiritual world.  I'm Seminole/creek Native American and my grandfather believed this life is ONLY  preparation for the spirit world. Some people prepare very well for this physical world, almost every second to their day.  Some just wake up, and have a general ideal of how the day will unfold.  Others, the day just seems to come to them.   The truth is the only One who plans every second of our day, from the time we open our eyes until we close them, is Grace.  Now for a Type A control addict this will be hard to accept, but it's simply the truth.  Have you ever noticed no matter how much you planned for a situation it just didn't seem to work? That's because it was not Graces' plan.   God has even revealed this to you already.  Think back typically when some of the best things have happened to you, but came as a complete surprise.  Some events came as if it were just handed to you, and it was, by Grace.   However, if things go wrong in our day.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  You feel as though the bottom has fallen out from under you.  Some blame themselves.  Some blame people they love the most.  Some blame the world.  Some blame their enemies.

 Religions have used religious texts for years to manipulate their followers.  Instead, of reading the text in a religious judgemental manner, let's read it in a spiritual sense.   The book of Job in the Bible could be used as a direct example of how to handle lifes' hared times.  The story talks about a man that has good character.  He was his family's priest, and he respected the Lord.  Notice no where does it say he only worshiped the Lord 3x a week, at a building on days not ordained by the Lord.  It says he was his family's priest and had good character.  Character is why we are here, and through life's hard times, grow.   The story also gives a direct example of how spirits of evil test us in this life.  The Lord's hand was on him.   The battle against good and evil is real and one that exist between both the spiritual and physical world.  Satan went to a lower region of Heaven and met with the Lord.   Let's remember satan is the ultimate liar of liars.   He is the first liar in the Garden of Eden, and has been lying to God's children ever since.  He told the Lord that we, His children, did not and do not deserve Gods love or to be rewarded in Heaven.  So, the Lord asked satan do you see my servant, Job?  He walks in complete integrity in all things he does.  Satan argued the only reason he walks with integrity is because you have blessed him with everything, look at his riches.  So, the Lord told satan he was allowed to test Job but was not allowed to take his life.  Now pay attention closely here!!!  This literally explains we are allowed to be tested.  What we fell to remember is even when we are being tested, Grace has faith in us.   We are to be like Job, and never blame God.  But, in truth, blame the one who is testing us, satan.  Now, satan did all he could through a series of taking Jobs wealth, his children's lives, and Job's on health.  Never once did Job curse Grace.  Instead, he cursed the day he was born.  You see, Job understood that it was through his way of living that had first put God's hand on him.  And understood  if he fell out of grace with God it was his own doing or the enemies.  When satan saw this, he was deeply upset.  But remember, God said Jobs life could not be harmed.  I can only imagine how proud God was of His child when satan came to give him the news.  As if God did not already know.  Then, the most beautiful thing happened, God rewarded His child for his faithfulness.  Everything Job had lost was returned to him seven fold.  Job is one of the smallest books in the Bible, but is filled with so much wealth and knowledge.  This Book demonstrates the faithfulness of our God and a righteous man's walk. Now today, I encourage you to remember this as you proceed in your personal walk. Know that if something painful has happened, endure.   Graces'  love simply is not capable of causing us pain.  That is the reason he allows us to be tested by satan.  Not because He is a trickster or evil, but because He has faith in us, the same way he had faith in Job.  

Also, not once in Job did it mention going to a building 3x a week on days that's not the Sabbath.




Word for the Spirit

Grace over Law

Have you ever noticed we make decisions based on one of two things, our spirit, or our ego?  Do you remember those cartoon episodes that would have a kid with an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other. As the world we live in turns crazier and crazier each day, those cartoons seem to have been onto something. And to have a deeper understanding and realization than we ever thought possible.  So, for now, let’s say our egos are the demon and our spirits are the angel on our shoulders.   

Ephesians 6:12 states, "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms.

We need to remember this was important for us to know because it was said. Yes, we are in battle with these entities. But even more importantly we are NOT in battle with one another. These enemies are cleverly deceitful in a way we are not familiar with. As humans we are used to only battling things, we can see. This enemy is invisible, and we only feel their presence.

Yeshua and his disciples were intelligent individuals that had to think strategically and defensively. Let's remember they did have all of Rome after them. Even after everything they'd experienced from the beginning to the end of their time with our Savior; they still preached and taught we are in battle with the evil entities. Just as we have goals, so do they. You see, they don't attack us with a knockout punch. Their only goals are to prevent us from fulfilling our life's purpose by causing us to stumble with our principalities. We already know our Father, Father of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, loved us enough to give us free will, and that's exactly what they attack. By getting us to choose to do the wrong thing, no matter the reason, they win. The second we forget to keep our mind on the Trinity and worry about whatever their whispering in our ear, they win. It's important more now than ever that we make the right decisions, to be righteous as our brother Yeshua was.  What is righteous?  Have compassion and mercy on one another.  Protect the children and elderly because they can't protect themselves.  

But as said before these enemies are sly. They attack us daily by our pride such as vanity. Have you ever been with your special someone and a younger better looking individual walks up and ask your special someone for a ride because their vehicle broke down? If the demon on your shoulder wins, then, the youngen is going to be walking. However, if the angel wins then you'll offer the ride. And, we'll remember the most important thing, who you are, and we are not meant to compete with one another but love each other. These entities attack all of us every day and the same way. So, now knowing this simple truth let's implement it and be compassionate as Yeshua was.

 Our Savior came into this world to demonstrate the way to live in this world. We are designed differently so that we may all loved Yahweh differently.  The most important commandments by his own mouth he said, "Love your neighbor as you would want to be loved, and love God with all your heart.”   The world and religions have us so worried about breaking the "laws" in government " religion" that we forget we are already covered by Grace.  This is not about religion.  This is each person finding their own spiritual selves and lifestyles.  When we take time out for spiritual things we're taking time to nurture both our physical, mental, and spiritual selves.  Our character is to be filled with compassion, courage, and mercy.   Our spiritual growth starts with the way we treat others.   The world is full of laws that are  broken.  We are spiritual beings and not of this world.  We each chose to be here at this time, and are very powerful.  The same spark of life that spoke creation into existence, a small piece, is within each one of us.   We are  filled with Grace that can never be broken, and covers all.  However, since we are so this powerful whatever we are thinking about we're manifesting.  That's why they want us manifesting worry.  Discover who you're called to be, and take control of your life. 


@Minister Fawn-zion



Word for the Spirit

Have you ever been in a situation that you wanted so badly?  But, it seemed as though everything was against you?  Well, perhaps those were signs trying to tell you something.  Looking back on my life there were numerous times the  Universe was closing a door in my life, but I was trying my best to pry it back open.  Funny thing even if I did get it opened it was only to eventually close in the future. But, at a time I chose myself, as though that made it better.  Many times we experience relationships just to grow spiritually, but never intended to last more than a short season.  We are to leave each one with appreciation for the experience, and compassion on the person we shared a period of time with.  AA uses the phrase "accepting life on life's terms". We like to think of it as a complete oneness with God and the universe.  Think about it.  How many times in your life have you got lucky?  Like walking up at just the right moment,but by accident, and in a random place.  If something does not go as planned there's a reason for it. Before getting upset or worried about a time schedule, and allowing your spirit to get upset.  Remember, God may have something better in place.  He wants us to have lives better than our minds can even possibly imagine.  We limit ourselves, Grace does not.  So, if something does not work to plan, trust that it is working toward something much greater.. His plan always has our best interest first.  Knowing that one truth, choose to trust in Grace.  And, when we learn to do this, true blessings of abundance rain.  

@Minister Fawn-zion


Word for the Spirit 11-5-2024

Today, let's discuss loss.  Profound loss.  Loss of a mother, father, siblings, spouse, partner, or best friend.  The kind of loss that is earth shattering.  Many only focus on that loss, and prevent themselves from moving on.  The pain is so extreme you feel as though it'll kill you, but guess what? We are still alive and breathing.  I just recently lost my mother.   We truly had a unique relationship, and went thirteen years without speaking.  She demanded honesty, trustworthiness, and loyalty.  Only after I lost her did I realize she demanded these things so I would know how I'm suppose to treat others and others treat me.  I'm so thankful for the thirteen years we were apart, because once we were reunited I understood how blessed I was to have her.   The phrase you don't know what you have until it's gone is true, at least in my case.  I"m blessed that my mother did not care about growing my ego, only my spirit.  And after all our spirits are what last for eternity.